About Us

The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a national membership association dedicated to ensuring educational equity and excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness. (read more)

Our 2024 annual conference registration is open

…and NAEHCY Now / NAEHCY Next is filling up fast with three important deadlines approaching! 

Register for the conference today and secure your room at the nearby Hilton with our contracted 2024 Government Per Diem rate.

Nominate someone for a NAEHCY Award by September 13 (EXTENDED!) and honor how they go above and beyond for students experiencing homelessness.

Remind your scholars to apply for the NAEHCY Scholars Program by September 3.

Submit your info for the Emcee Competition by September 15 for a chance to be our event host and earn a free conference plus stipend.

Consider volunteering this year! Fill our our volunteer interest form.

Have a question about the conference? Email us at conference@naehcy.org.

Save the Date for NAEHCY's annual conference, November 16-19, 2024 in Orlando, Florida.

September Rise & Brew
ARP Funds Sunset, Collaborations & Community Partnerships on the Horizon

This month we will delve into community-based partnerships in the wake of ARP funds ending. Discover how community collaboration with local agencies can enhance support for homeless students, ensuring they receive the necessary resources to succeed. We will provide practical insights and strategies to build and strengthen these vital connections.

Date: Sept. 24, 2024
Time: 4:30 p.m. EDT
Location: via Zoom – link coming soon!

(Please send your questions for Rise & Brew to the NAEHCY inbox at info@naehcy.org)

Did You Miss a Recent Webinar?

August 2024 Rise & Brew: Back to the Basics – Identification and Immediate EnrollmentVideo and Summary

July 2024 Rise & Brew: Closing the Absenteeism GapVideo and Summary

July 2024: Guidelines and Strategies for Using ARP-HCY Funds – Presentation Slides and NCHE Resource Links

July 2024: Strengthen Your Steps for Postsecondary SuccessVideo

June 2024 Rise & Brew: Student Support in the Summer – Video and Summary

May 2024 Rise & Brew: End Your Year Strong – Summary

May 2024: Finding the Littles: Early Childhood Education Strategies for Identifying and Supporting Early Learners – Video